(Volume One of the Red Dragon RisingSequence) At long last, after more than 40 years in preparation, John has begun work on a sequence of four novels, marketed for children but intended for all ages, which tell the story of Arthur’s journey from childhood to kingship. Beginning with Arthur’s early days in the care of the mysterious Nine, to his meeting with Merlin and their subsequent adventures, Red Dragon Rising follows the early life of Arthur in which he encounters many of the people who will become central characters in the Arthurian legends, as well as the supernatural beings who throng the world of Arthurian Britain. Sword of Ice and Fire is the first in the sequence, published by Greystones Press. Already praised by Philip Pullman, Alan Lee, Brian and Wendy Froud and Kevin Crossley-Holland, the series brings alive the stories John has lived with for much of his life(It will form an introduction to John’s long awaited epic Broceliande, which tells the full story of Arthur and the Round Table fellowship. What happened to Arthur in the years when he was being brought up in ignorance of his true heritage, when Merlin taught him how to become a king? This is the question author and world-renowned Arthurian expert John Matthews sets out to answer in this series of novels.
'The Sword of Ice and Fire bears all the marks of John Matthews’ great knowledge of the historical/mythical setting, the clarity of his prose, and a sure sense of narrative momentum.'
- Philip Pullman, Author of the His Dark Materials and The Book of Dust trilogies
'John Matthews has come up with an artful and genuinely fascinating new way of showing how a young boy earns the right to be king. As Arthur pursues four fearsome quests, he (and we) encounter many of the characterised motifs of Arthurian romance - magic and mortal danger, Merlin and a mysterious sisterhood, dragons and shape-changers. But we are in safe hands. John Matthews is our assured guide with a glorious story to tell.’
by Kevin Crossley-Holland, author of the Seeing Stoneand translator of Beowulf.