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Arthurian, Grail, Merlin & Taliesin Book Titles | The Fourth Gwenevere by John James, completed by Caitlín & John Matthews
    The Fourth Gwenevere by John James, completed by Caitlín & John Matthews      
The Fourth Gwenevere is a problem: as the diplomatic cement between the British and the Anglo-Saxons after their rout at Badon, this beautiful Anglian enchantress, daughter of the Saxon war leader, finds herself offered as Arthur’s fourth queen. By their union, the land will be kept free of further incursions, because their child will be Gwledig or King of Britain as well as Bretwalda or Battle Leader of the Saxons. At least, this peace could have been maintained had Arthur not been assassinated, which is very awkward indeed.

As petty kings jockey for position, only Morfran, Arthur’s chief fixer, has the wit to see the situation for what it is. He it is who undertakes to salvage Britain’s future by preparing for the inevitable war let loose upon them if the treaty of Badon is not upheld. In this witty and vivacious Dark Age novel, John James proves himself to be the master of elliptical and allusive history. Sharp as a knife and writing as if from within the minds of his dark age characters, he reprises the triumphs of Votan, Not for all the Gold in Ireland, and Men Went to Catraeth in this novel, left unpublished after his death and long believed lost, is now magnificently completed and prepared for publication by Arthurian and Celtic experts John & Caitlín Matthews.
    Click on an image to enlarge it      
Prod. code: A04 Price: UK: £13.50 Eur: £20.00 World 1: £26.50 World 2: £27.00 World 3 (inc. USA): £30.00

Price (inc. of postage)

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